Synthetic Fertilizers 

Plants require 17 essential elements, such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), for optimal growth. However, both an excess and a deficiency of these nutrients can be harmful to plants. We use only superior fertilizers with guaranteed element quantification. This allows us to apply the precise amount of fertilizer needed at each stage of plant growth.

Avoid using cheap, substandard fertilizers that can harm your plants and reduce your profits. Be wise. Choose quality. Be like us.

Authorized UNIPOWER agent.

Our List Of Fertilizers Include:

Unipower Alberts Solution

Albert's Solution is a premium product from Grow More Inc. USA. This balanced, 100% water-soluble fertilizer contains a comprehensive blend of macro and micro nutrients essential for optimal plant growth. Ideal for use in polytunnels and hydroponic greenhouse cultivations.

YaraMila Complex and Target

Yara Mila Complex

12.11.18+8 S + 3MgO+TE

Yara Mila Target 


Yara Mila complex is a high-quality specialty granular fertilizer, manufactured in Yara International, Norway, formulated to meet precise crop requirements, these NPKs are some of the most highly efficient sources of N, P and K available. Each particle contains precisely tailored amounts of NPK. So, when accurately applied to a crop, Yara Mila Complex ensures the correct, complete addition and balanced distribution of these major nutrients.

Growmore Plant Starter

Grow More Plant Starter is a 100% water-soluble, high-quality specialty fertilizer manufactured by Grow More Inc. USA. This high-phosphorus mixture is expertly designed to meet the phosphorus requirements of various crops, including potatoes, carrots, beets, kohlrabi, onions, beans, and other leguminous crops. 

Additionally, it is perfect for roses, orchids, anthuriums, carnations, and all flowering plants, including oriental varieties. Trust Grow More Plant Starter to provide the essential nutrients your plants need for vigorous growth and abundant blooms.

Growmore 3 in 1 Balance

Grow More Three in One is a 100% water-soluble, high-quality specialty fertilizer manufactured by Grow More Inc. This versatile formula is ideal for a wide range of plants, including flowering varieties such as roses, orchids, anthuriums, and carnations, as well as ornamental plants, nursery plants, leafy vegetables, and all types of fruits and vegetables. 

Growmore Bloom

Grow More Bloom Special is a 100% water-soluble, high-quality fertilizer manufactured by Grow More Inc. USA. Specifically designed for the flowering stage, it is ideal for floriculture crops, vegetable crops, fruit crops, and all field crops. Grow More Bloom Special enhances the growth of flower buds and increases the number of fruits.

Growmore K44 (13:2:44+TE)

Grow More K44 (13.2.44+TE) is a 100% water-soluble, high-quality fertilizer manufactured by Grow More Inc. USA. With its high potassium content, K44 effectively stimulates flowering and enhances crop yield.

YaraTera Calcinit
(N-15.5%, Ca-19%)

Yara Tera Calcinit (15.5% N + 19% Ca) is a fully water-soluble nitrogen and calcium fertilizer manufactured by Yara. This free-flowing, fine granular or pilled material dissolves quickly in water without leaving any residues. It is ideally suited for application through all fertigation systems, including drip systems, low throw sprinklers, center pivots, and spray units. Additionally, Yara Tera Calcinit can be used as a foliar application for field crops after dissolving in water.

Calcium plays a crucial role in preventing the premature falling of fruits, enhancing yield and yield quality, improving resistance to pests, and reducing post-harvest wastage. Yara Tera Calcinit can also be applied to control pH levels in the soil, making it versatile for use in any growth stage of the crop.

Crop Master

Crop master is an organic, non-toxic fertilizer, which is manufactured using sea weed such as Ascopilam Nedosomi. Crop master can be used for both foliar and roots application.


This nutrient-rich fertilizer is packed with essential elements such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and secondary nutrients like Magnesium, Calcium, and Sulphur. It also contains micronutrients including Boron, Molybdenum, Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Cobalt.

Crop Master stands out as a remarkable liquid fertilizer due to its additional components such as amino acids and plant hormones like Cytokinin and Gibberellin. These compounds play crucial roles in promoting healthy plant growth, enhancing flowering and fruiting, and improving overall crop quality.